The Start:
These mature customers had decided that to fully enjoy their home following their retirement, and recognising some access issues, they needed to create a downstairs toilet. Our key challenges were creating storage in a relatively small space and incorporating an extraction system for the room which would have no windows.
The Middle:
Sean spent time with the customers in their home and after discussing how they currently used their downstairs space, it became apparent that they rarely used their dining room. So the new cloakroom was designed, ‘stealing’ just enough space from the dining room to create a cloakroom with a sleek storage cupboard. We installed a modern, quiet extraction system where the ducting was hidden in the storage cupboard at the rear of the room (in fact, as there was no external wall available, it was hidden behind the couple’s built-in bedroom wardrobes and out through the roof!) A macerator system was used due to the new room’s location in the centre of the house, solving an otherwise insurmountable obstacle.
Through discussions with the client, Sean sourced a higher seated, traditional toilet, decorated the room in a traditional style to match the age of the house and incorporated wooden cladding to inject character to the space.
The Finish:
The customers are exceptionally proud of their new room and show their visitors at every opportunity! It allows them to keep their upstairs bathroom as a private space and provides a practical solution to their requirements downstairs. We were also very proud of creating this useable space where there was none, and hiding the unsightly (the extraction ducting and macerator) out of sight. The customers were in fact so pleased they asked Sean back to design and install a new central heating system and a new stone fireplace in their lounge.